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Tags:Ukraine National Security Sanctions on Legal Entities;OFAC/SDN-Office of Foreign Assets Control-Specially Designated Nationals;Office of Antiboycott Compliance (OAC) Requester Lis;NVOCC & Ocean Freight Fowarders;EU Financial Sanctions-Council;Asian Development Bank Sanctions;Ukraine National Security Sanctions on Individuals;Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation(OFSI)Liechetenstein;Posted Workers Act (EntsG) Sanctions;African Development Bank Debarred Entities;Malaysian MOHA Sanctions List.
In this article we provide further insight into our analysis of ROSOBORONEKSPORT’, a Russia’s only state-controlled intermediary in
In this month's edition, Nu Borders analyzed Russian import and export trade manifest data...
In this month's edition, NU Borders analyzed Russian Import and Export trade manifest data utilizing the Harmonized Tariff Schedule to identify...